
See you next time-the return

I must make it clear...
I can't leave you right know... I DON'T WANT TO leave you now! :)
Let's just let the time go by and hope for days of clarity, when we can finally see thru this thick wall of mist that's between us and our reason. Hopefully that day will come soon and we can finally get somewhere!

1 comentário:

  1. Obrigada (:
    Não precisas de me tratar por A.M., pode ser Mafalda (;
    Eu gosto destas coisas que metes aqui, mas ás vezes não percebo se são de músicas ou se são textos teus. De qualquer maneira, gostei bastante (:


Toca a pôr os dedinhos a mecher e comentar!!! ^^