
Venho atrasada...

... Mas ainda venho a tempo. Pois bem, uma coisa que eu tenho reparado a que a Butterfly Angel, é um bocado distraída em relação ao aniversário do seu blog. Portanto venho aqui eu, dar-lhe uma prendinha

Este selo não traz nenhuma regra, apenas visa felicitar o 1st Hand Serenade pelos seus dois anos, agradecer o facto de eu ser parte integrante da equipa e esperar que continuemos juntos por muitos e longos anos.


See you next time-the return

I must make it clear...
I can't leave you right know... I DON'T WANT TO leave you now! :)
Let's just let the time go by and hope for days of clarity, when we can finally see thru this thick wall of mist that's between us and our reason. Hopefully that day will come soon and we can finally get somewhere!


Paper Sweets I

I don't feel like writing... But I want to! It's strange... I don't feel like doing something but I still want to do it. Why?
Well it mustn't be important...
YO! Vila Real here I go! Just wait for me! You (the city) and you, my friends, which I left up there! I wish to come back, I really do! But it's getting hard to study, since I don't have much time left after work and the pressure it's getting on me. I hope I can studdy hard and pass on the exams. So this won't be the reason for which I could not go back to you and you. So I will try harder. I'll start to think on smaller sleeps at night so I can have some more time to understand all the formulas and names and schemes. I need to try harder if I want to get those things that I wish so much... just like this post... If I didn’t push myself to write it I would have not started... and look at this pretty text! XD

Yokatta! I'm with strength to go on... yokatta!

Imagem: daqui

Musica: Rain of sorrows- Akira