
Paper Sweets I

I don't feel like writing... But I want to! It's strange... I don't feel like doing something but I still want to do it. Why?
Well it mustn't be important...
YO! Vila Real here I go! Just wait for me! You (the city) and you, my friends, which I left up there! I wish to come back, I really do! But it's getting hard to study, since I don't have much time left after work and the pressure it's getting on me. I hope I can studdy hard and pass on the exams. So this won't be the reason for which I could not go back to you and you. So I will try harder. I'll start to think on smaller sleeps at night so I can have some more time to understand all the formulas and names and schemes. I need to try harder if I want to get those things that I wish so much... just like this post... If I didn’t push myself to write it I would have not started... and look at this pretty text! XD

Yokatta! I'm with strength to go on... yokatta!

Imagem: daqui

Musica: Rain of sorrows- Akira

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Toca a pôr os dedinhos a mecher e comentar!!! ^^